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Please contact me if you need assistance with Veteran Benefits of any type.  


Judy Peterson - Post Service Officer

Phone: 407-402-4983



A good place to start your claim is to log into the VA Benefits Navigator.  Click the Navigator box to begin.




Information pertaining to Health Care is  available by clicking the blue button below"Apply for Health Benefits"

Click on the PDF to open and print the form you need.  
VBA 21-526 ARE Application for Compensation
VBA 1990-22-ARE Application for Education

10-0485 Health Info Release

VBA-24-0296 ARE Direct Deposit


Emergency Assistance Request Programs


PROJECT: Vet-Relief provides support for active duty military, our veterans, and their families who reside in the state of Florida.  Click the button below for further information and the forms to complete for assistance.


The American Legion Department of Florida: Hurricane Relief



  • INDIVIDUAL GRANTS: Grants from this fund provide immediate, emergency assistance to American Legion members, Sons of The American Legion members, active duty military and our veterans in areas devastated by a declared national disaster. Membership in The American Legion is NOT required to receive assistance. (Active Duty / Veterans must meet membership eligibility requirements and classified as having an honorable discharge or honorable separation) Non-Members must submit their DD 214. Eligible applicants are reimbursed for disaster related costs. These funds are not designed for insurance compensation or to cover monetary losses from a business, structures on your property (barns, tool sheds), equipment or vehicles. Only one grant per household (up to $1,500) will be approved.

  • REQUIRED APPLICATION INFORMATION: Department Headquarters must have sufficient, documented information to justify the need. The application must be filled out completely and accurately. If needed, attach additional sheet(s) for supporting data (DD 214, photos, receipts for temporary lodging and food, work estimates, etc.). NOTE: Grant requests must be submitted to Department Headquarters by January 31, 2018.


National Emergency Fund (NEF)

  • Eligibility open to Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion members (up to $3,000) Legion Posts (up to $10,000).
  • Applicant must have been displaced from their primary residence due damage sustained during a declared natural disaster.
  • Not meant to replace or repair items, only to meet most immediate needs (i.e., temporary housing, food, water, clothing, diapers, etc.) during the period immediately following the disaster.
  • Does not cover insurance compensation or monetary losses from a business, structures on your property (barns, tool sheds, etc.,) equipment or vehicles.
  • Membership must be active at time of disaster and the time of application.

Application Requirements

  • Application must be submitted to the Department Headquarters within 90 days of disaster.
  • Disaster must be a “declared” natural disaster for Legion Family members.
  • Supporting data (photos, receipts, repair estimates, etc.) should be included if at all possible or statements (testimony) from post/district/department officers attesting to damages to residence requiring displacement.
  • Only one grant per household per disaster.
  • Post grants must derive from a declared natural disaster and substantiating documentation must provide that The American Legion post will cease to perform the duties and activities in the community due to losses sustained.
American Legion Emerald Coast Post 402
Tel: (850) 866-3681


17680 Ashley Drive

Panama City Beach, Florida  32413-5115

Regular Meeting: 1st Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.




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